With an ever ageing population and with stats suggesting that the number of people aged 60 or over is expected to exceed the 20 million mark by 2031, what is next for our elderly loved ones? How will we manage should our health take a turn for the worse? Reeta Ram, founder of DECCS (Disabled and Elderly Care Conciliation Solutions) with a background in legal practice shares her own personal experiences with the NHS and care system, which drove her to launch DECCS. This unique business is dedicated to supporting the patient and family from beginning to end of all nhs processes whilst navigating the patient’s care plan, challenging government funding of care homes and ensuring all protocol is adhered to along the way. Before founding DECCS, I was faced with a close family member being diagnosed with severe dementia. With our family not knowing what the road ahead held and the condition taking hold rapidly, we were promptly faced with our loved one needing around the clock care. With all family members leading busy lifestyles and now having to deal with the additional and complex needs of our loved one, we set about looking for help. However, in searching for support and advice we quickly learnt that there was conflicted or very little integrated expert advice for the family of elderly sick patients. Soon our loved one was hospitalised, during this grief stricken time we were met with many challenges often boiling down to patient’s rights to comfort and dignity vs. ridged budget constraints within the NHS. Luckily I benefitted from many years in a previous role as a personal injury solicitor; I immediately put my legal knowledge into practice and begun to ask questions, this resulted in multiple challenging battles with the care provider, medical team and government funding assessment team to ensure our loved one had the very best care to the end. Unfortunately the end came far too soon and being caught up with the care challenges, I didn’t feel in the last moments I was given enough space to say goodbye.

I have applied my knowledge in law and my own personal experience within the care system and dedicate this to others in similar situations. For the past two years, I have taken pride knowing I can help others not face the difficult and lonely path and allow them to feel secure in their loved ones future. I outline some of the most commonly asked questions & often thorny issues that our vulnerable elderly face, many alone or with their families but with no one to support their views and fight for what is considered their rights,


  •  How do I know if I will secure government funding for care home fees?

    You will secure full funding if you have primary healthcare needs.  Deccs helps with requesting the process starts with accurately completed paperwork.  A detailed assessment would confirm that you have complex or intense or unpredictable medical problems and your main need for care must relate to your health. You may also secure funding if you have very little by way of income or assets

  • How do I cover the care home fees before I have to sell my assets i.e. home?

    It is common for a care home to use all savings firstly.  They can wait for sale of assets where possible and even agree to place a legal charge on your home whilst they wait for a sale or rental of the family home and repayment of fees in arrears.  Deccs can help the family get lasting powers of attorney or court orders to manage the financial affairs of your loved one because they are unable to do so.

  • We aren’t being given a say in our care or care of loved one, how do we ensure the best care is being given?

    The Care Quality Commission’s Guidelines encourages .  'Putting People First' which aims to personalise your care package. Self directed support and person centred planning gives more choice and control to you. All care homes, GPs and hospitals are legally required to treat patients and their representatives with respect, ensure they are involved in discussions about their care and treatment and able to influence how the service is run.


    Patients also have a right for medical records to be accurate

    If you feel as though you are in a situation either as the patient facing turbulent waters or as the family needing support and advice contact DECCS.
    Reeta’s unique approach is described by a client "Reeta has been my missing piece to the puzzle. With her information and knowledge behind her she has been great in directing me in choosing the right paths."

    Reeta remains determined in continuing to assist patients and families through their trials with the care and medical system. She is reported by clients to be on hand immediately to exceed expectations and achieve deserved results.

    DECCS are open for advice offering a one hour fixed fee policy for guidance call FREEPHONE 0800 0238 422 or to email Reeta: reetaram@deccs.co.uk
    Website: www.deccs.co.uk