Olympic silver-medallist Lauren Williams is heading to Cardiff next weekend to thank Team GB fans who supported her from afar as she medalled in Tokyo. 

Williams won silver at this summer's Olympics, but her campaign ended in heartbreak when she let a three-point lead slip against Matea Jelic, the No 1 seed from Croatia, with 10 seconds left in the final of the taekwondo -67kg division. 

The 22-year-old from Blackwood will be in Cardiff on Saturday August 14, to welcome supporters at GLL and Team GB’s ‘I Am Team GB’ ‘Festival of Cycling’ event. 

The event takes place at the Western and Fairwater Leisure Centres on Saturday, with the bulk of the activities for the public to enjoy taking place at the Maindy Centre. 

Attendees will be introduced to a plethora of differing sports for the whole family to get involved in, from athletics to swimming to Zumba, yoga, and meditation. 

The aim is for the community members within Cardiff to take part in this event and use it as a stepping-stone to be more active. 

There will be a host of Team GB athletes in attendance, including Williams, and several fun activities for the whole family to enjoy.

Amongst the highlights of the weekend will be 4x100m swimming gold medallist Matt Richards attending Eastern on Saturday to support Academy and Adult Fitness swimming session, while Swim Wales and Team GB coach Graham Wardell will be at Maindy on Sunday with Team GB Tokyo swimmer Harriet Jones and hot prospect Kyle Booth doing a stroke masterclass. 

“The best experiences I’ve had in my life have come from sport,” said Williams. “It’s not just about performing at the highest level because you can perform at any level and have fun. 

“Being part of ‘I Am Team GB is a tremendous honour, I never thought when I was younger that I would be able to attend such an event, inspire the nation, and get people involved in sport so it really is fantastic. 

“We don’t realise the impact we’re having across the nation while we’re out there competing, to use that platform to share how incredible sport is such an honour. 

“I’m hoping to chat to a lot of kids and really inspire people to go after their goals, get involved in sport, and really have fun with it.”  

There will also be free hero events at the Stadium of Light in Sunderland, and the Olympic Stadium, plus a family fun day at Paulton Park, the home of Team GB’s newest recruit Peppa Pig, while other events will be taking place all over the country on August 14 and 15.

I Am Team GB is already a much-loved and successful mass participation event, having seen over one million people in the UK take part after the Rio 2016 Olympic Games and welcome home the country’s history making athletes at their local sports clubs and community events.

Team GB Commercial Director, Tim Ellerton, added: “We are really excited to be launching I Am Team GB. With the support of our presenting partner Toyota, we are creating a host of free events up and down the country for those inspired by the Olympics to get up and active this summer, with a festival of sport on August 14 and 15.”

The ‘Festival of Sport’ will harness the incredible stories of Team GB athletes in Tokyo to inspire men and women, boys, and girls across the UK to ‘Get Up and Get Active’ at free and fun events held around the country across the weekend of August 14 and 15.

Tom Whiteside, Sponsorship Manager for Toyota said: “Toyota is all about promoting mobility, so to activate our sponsorship of Team GB we wanted to create something in partnership that enabled us to take the magic of the Olympics and inspire people to get up and get active, irrespective of age, experience or skill level and I Am Team GB gives us the perfect opportunity for us to do just that and we have more exciting activations to announce over the course of the campaign.”

If you want to get involved; go to IAmTeamGB.com to find an event near you.