PLANNERS at Hillingdon Council this week reacted angrily to a report that ranked the borough as the least likely place in the country to gain building permission.

The report, from a building materials company, said its research showed 38% of applications were rejected in Hillingdon. 

A Hillingdon Council spokesperson said: “We don’t recognise the figures provided as being an accurate representation of our current performance.

“From the latest application statistics published by government for the year to September 2023, [there is] an approval rate for the borough of 78 per cent.”

Trade Fix Direct investigated which areas of the UK are most and least likely to grant planning permission.

According to the research, it is least likely to be granted in London, with the capital’s boroughs ranking in all the top 10 positions. 

Hillingdon was placed first, followed by Enfield and Newham.

Paul Kershaw, of Trade Fix Direct, said: “If you’re looking to start a renovation or construction project, it’s important to find out whether you will require planning permission and to request this, where applicable.

“To give yourself the best chance of success, it’s always good to be in the know about acceptance rates and to follow best practices when making an application.”

Hillingdon’s spokesperson added: “We’re committed to creating a green and sustainable borough with safe, strong communities.

“Rigorous scrutiny of planning applications is integral to that commitment, to ensure we best protect areas of open space, of which we have plenty, as well as preventing the over-development of urban areas.”