EJECTION seat makers Martin-Baker, whose headquarters are in Denham, is the setting for the latest episode of The Fighter Show, the Eurofighter Typhoon YouTube series.

The episode, Fast & Furious Ejectionsm takes a behind-the-scenes look at how the aircraft ejection seat and escape system specialists have saved the lives of 7,724 pilots over the last 70 years.

Over the years, 869 seats have been made for Typhoon aircraft.

In the show, experts explain that, when an ejection seat is deployed, it produces a thunderous 15,000 horsepower thrust.

One explains: “The pilot is projected from the aircraft to 100 metres above in just 0.67 of a second.”

Martin-Baker employs more than 1,000 staff worldwide.

The Fighter Show is a world-first YouTube series filmed at a variety of outdoor locations including air bases and air shows.

The latest episode is on YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/4bzcuXm