TWO key sites for hundreds of affordable homes have been purchased by Hillingdon Council.  

One is Hyde Park Hayes 3, commonly known as HPH3 Hayes, in Millington Road, which will immediately boost the council’s housing stock with 113 properties.

The other is the former St Andrews RAF residential site in Grays Road, Uxbridge, which has future development potential. 

HPH3 Hayes was acquired with the support of Greater London Authority funding and will enable residents at risk of homelessness, currently living in temporary accommodation, to move into more sustainable properties.

They will be housed alongside eligible people on the council’s waiting list.  

In Uxbridge, the council has secured land previously used by the Ministry of Defence to house servicemen and women.

Currently consisting of 89 derelict homes built between the 1920s and 1950s, it enables the council to explore plans to transform the area with homes ranging from one-bedroom to large family-sized homes.

Some will be available on the open market while the rest will be let at London affordable rent. 

Cllr Eddie Lavery, Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services said: “We are taking innovative steps to tackling the shortage of housing, and both these sites pose great opportunities.  

“HPH3 Hayes allows us to immediately reduce our waiting list and move residents out of costly temporary accommodation.

“RAF Uxbridge is an exciting long-term opportunity to restore an historic site, which has not been in use since the 1990s.”