AHEAD of Check the Chip Day on Thursday (15), Dogs Trust Harefield is calling on all dog owners to ensure their pets’ microchip details are up to date.

Data from the latest Dogs Trust Stray Dog Survey shows that approx 35,000 strays were handled by council dog wardens last year, a worrying increase on figures from previous years.

Around 43% of these stray dogs were eventually reunited with their owners, sometimes after spending time in kennels.

However, 26% could not be reunited due to their microchips containing incorrect or outdated information.

Dogs Trust Harefield is using Check the Chip Day to emphasise the importance of keeping microchip information current.

Since 2016 it has been a legal requirement for all dogs to be microchipped, with the chip linked to the owner’s current contact details.

Additionally, dogs must wear a collar and tag displaying the owner’s name and address when in public, even if they are microchipped.

Strays passed on to Dogs Trust, to be rehomed, include Felix the Patterdale Terrier crossbreed.

He was around two years old when he was brought to Harefield. His behaviour suggested he had previously lived in a home and, before long, Felix was adopted by a new family.

For information on other dogs available for adoption, visit www.dogstrust.org.uk/harefield

Richard Moore, rehoming centre manager at Harefield, said: “Each year, thousands of dogs go missing, causing distress for both pets and their owners.

“By ensuring your contact details are up to date, you significantly increase the chances of a speedy reunion with your canine companion.”

See also: www.dogstrust.org.uk/dog-advice/health-wellbeing/essentials/microchipping