TWO closure orders were obtained this month by Hillingdon Council following reports of serious incidents of anti-social behaviour, criminal activity and drug use linked to properties in the borough.  

The orders were granted by Uxbridge magistrates under Section 80 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.  

The first was granted on August 7 for a council-owned property in Uxbridge after the court reviewed statements from the council, police and witnesses.

These described incidents including a stabbing, drug dealing, noise and public nuisance, plus fly-tipping.

The second order was granted on August 14 for a property owned by a registered provider of social housing in South Ruislip.

The court heard reports from the council and police about incidents of theft, drug dealing and use, damage to property, noise nuisance and anti-social behaviour by the tenant and people visiting the property. 

The orders mean no-one can enter the properties for three months, except for the landlord, police, other emergency services or utility providers.

Anyone else who enters or stays on the premises without a reasonable excuse can be fined, imprisoned or both. 

Cllr Eddie Lavery, Cabinet Member for Residents' Services, said: “While these are isolated cases, and the majority of residents and their visitors are respectful of each other, we are aware  that anti-social behaviour and criminal activity can occur.

“When it’s persistent, it can be the cause of great distress to neighbours and the wider community.”

To report any anti-social behaviour concerns, visit