NHS messages prompting gym-goers and swimmers to look out for potential signs of cancer are appearing in the changing rooms of leisure centres across Hillingdon.

Operating under the Better brand, a not-for-profit social enterprise runs centres on behalf of Hillingdon Council.

The eye-catching stickers will feature the message ‘Check you out’ and ‘Know what’s normal for you’ before reminding people that, if something in their body doesn’t feel right, they should contact their GP practice.

The scheme is the latest push by the NHS to find cancers at an earlier stage, with Better the first leisure provider in the UK to focus on cancer awareness.

It joins some supermarkets and washroom hygiene specialists to highlight cancer messages in everyday situations.

The new initiative comes as a survey by Better found that only 17% of respondents in London check their bodies for physical changes regularly (at least once a month), and 10% don’t check at all.

Keely Shelton, Better's Hillingdon Partnership Manager, said: “The survey clearly indicates a need to raise awareness of potential signs of cancer, and the stickers (on mirrors) will hopefully act as a timely reminder to our customers to check themselves regularly.”

The survey by Better also found that 32% of respondents from London said they were not aware of any potential cancer signs, though 49% said they would recognise a lump or swelling as a possible early sign.