A LANDLORD from Hayes with a history of offending has been ordered to pay £28,729 after Hillingdon Council caught him with double the number of appropriate tenants living in his illegal house of multiple occupancy (HMO). 

Tarsem Dhillon, of Dawley Road, appeared at Uxbridge Magistrates' Court on Tuesday (10).

He was sentenced for continuing to use one of his properties as an HMO, despite being in breach of a previous enforcement, as  well as for deliberately cramming in twice the number of tenants it could safely house. 

The council investigated after receiving reports from concerned residents about the property in Station Road, Hayes.

Officers executed a warrant to enter the building in March 2023 and discovered clear breaches of the planning enforcement notice. 

Despite the previous HMO licence stating only six households or people could live there, officers discovered seven households and at least 14 people.  

During sentencing, the court heard that Dhillon illegally earned around £20,000 in rent over a 10-month period. 

His legal representative said Dhillon had “taken his eye off the ball and the offences happened through carelessness”. He also had ongoing medical issues. 

For the two offences, Dhillon was fined £20,000. He was further ordered to pay a £2,000 victim surcharge and the council’s prosecution costs of £6,729. 

Cllr Eddie Lavery, Cabinet Member for Residents' Services, said: “We're determined to create safe, strong communities where every resident has access to a high-quality secure home and are exploring measures to further tighten the regulation of HMOs in the borough.  

"Any residents who suspect a property of being used illegally can anonymously let our private sector housing team know and they will investigate."  

You can report a planning breach at www.hillingdon.gov.uk/report-planning-breach