HILLINGDON’S older residents were honoured by the borough for their contributions to the community with an activity day.  

The annual Day of the Older Person on Tuesday (24) was opened by the Deputy Mayor, Cllr Philip Corthorne, and drew 480 visitors.  

More than 30 stalls were set up in the Pavilions Shopping Centre in Uxbridge offering advice and access to support and information.   

Groups that took part included Age UK, Alzheimer’s Society, Carers Trust Hillingdon, the Royal National Institute for the Blind, MyHealth Hillingdon, H4ALL, as well as Hillingdon Council’s libraries, adult education service and adult social care team.   

People could try fun taster activities, including boccia – a sport similar to bowls - tea dancing, and soft stretching with instructors from GLL, which runs the council’s leisure centres.

They also had a performance of long-lasting songs by Nik Stoter, singing tunes.  

Rowena Newman, from Hayes, who cares for her elderly mother, said: “I found it very helpful. I'm so grateful this is here.”  

Christine Tomkins, from Northwood, said: “You can find out a little bit more about where to get help and support. I think it’s brilliant.”  

Ken Hogg, from Hillingdon, said: “I enjoyed the exercises, the singing and the company.”  

John Bent, from Uxbridge, added: “I’m 75 and want to keep going. It’s one of the things on my list to attend. t’s accessible and everything’s in one place.”  

Cllr Jane Palmer, Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care, said: “Hillingdon’s older residents make a valuable contribution and this annual event is to show how much we appreciate them.”  

More activities for older people can be found at www.hillingdon.gov.uk/moves