A 10-YEAR plan for improving cycling in Hillingdon to switch to active travel was unveiled on Friday (27).

The council’s new Cycling Strategy details measures including new and upgraded cycle routes.

The strategy was formally launched at an event in the Closes Park, West Drayton, where youngsters enjoyed free cycling training and residents were invited to bring their bikes along for a free health check from Dr Bike.

Central to Hillingdon’s plans is the creation of eight new dedicated cycle routes, some of which use green spaces and towpaths so riders can avoid busy roads.

The strategy was updated to include feedback following a public consultation earlier this year.

Most respondents supported the plans, with more than 70 per cent saying they would consider cycling more.

Cllr Jonathan Bianco, council deputy leader, said: “Over the next 10 years our target is to see more people, of all backgrounds and abilities, confidently and safely using the borough’s cycle network and highways.

“Our approach will be to try to bring existing and new cyclists along for the journey by creating facilities that make them choose to ride, instead of driving.

“But [it comes] with the realism we can’t have the same expectation of all motorists.”

The strategy can be viewed at www.hillingdon.gov.uk/cycling