When erecting or repairing a fence, it can be hard to know who pays what between you and your neighbour.

Fences and neighbours can be a tricky subject when it comes to what can and can't be done.

Whether it's knowing who's side of the fence is who's, if a neighbour can paint a fence or who can hang/attach items to the fence, the boundary item is a hot topic.

What side of the fence am I responsible for in the UK?

Who pays for a new fence, or to repair one, is also a common question.

This can vary across different areas in the UK, so before you do anything, hear what the experts have to say about the legalities around how much you and your neighbour have to pay for the fence.

Does my neighbour have to pay for half of the fence?

The question of whether neighbours have to go halves when paying for a fence "doesn't have a one-size-fits-all answer".

It will depend on factors including local laws, existing agreements and your specific situation.

Legally, in most jurisdictions, the cost of erecting or repairing a fence shared by two properties is generally split equally between the neighbours, according to East Coast Fencing.

However, these legal obligations are often laid out by local councils, the fencing experts said, and can "vary widely" in different areas.

"So it's crucial to check the specific regulations that apply to your area," East Coast Fencing added.

Hillingdon Times: Legal obligations around who pays how much for a fence is often laid out by local councils.Legal obligations around who pays how much for a fence is often laid out by local councils. (Image: Getty Images)

If there was a prior agreement made between you and your neighbour, this could dictate how much each party pays towards the fence.

The fencing experts said: "Such agreements could be formal, written contracts, or informal agreements.

"In the absence of local laws covering the situation, these agreements can help resolve disputes."

As well as checking local laws, it is also vital to check your property's title deeds before taking any action or making any agreements around fence payments.

East Coast Fencing explains: "Sometimes, these documents (title deeds) contain specific provisions related to the responsibilities for boundary fences."


Before any work begins on erecting a new fence both neighbours must first discuss:

  • The type of fence to be installed
  • Costs involved
  • How these costs will be divided

East Coast Fencing adds: "Ideally, both parties will reach an agreement that is fair and accounts for the needs and concerns of both neighbours".