Lidl has issued a call to contractors as it looks to open hundreds of new supermarkets across the UK.

The retailer is calling on contractors from across the country to sign up to a series of events aimed at forging new relationships and engaging with existing partners.

The events, which will take place from July, will be held in Newcastle, Glasgow, Birmingham and Southampton.

They will be hosted by members of Lidl’s property and construction teams, and will provide contractors with the change to learn about opportunities available to work with Lidl across the country.

The events follow a year of significant investment in its infrastructure to further strengthen operations, whilst earlier in the year Lidl also published its latest wish list of locations, eyeing major growth in cities including Edinburgh, Leeds, Liverpool, and London.

Those interested in joining are encouraged to sign up by emailing

Richard Taylor, Lidl GB Chief Development Officer, said the events were part of Lidl’s plans to open “hundreds of new stores”.

He added that getting to know contractors would be “essential” in helping them deliver the new supermarkets across the country.

Richard said: “As we celebrate our 30th year, our commitment to ensuring that all households across the country have access to high-quality produce at affordable prices is stronger than ever.

“We’re planning to open hundreds of new Lidl stores and the contractors that we work with are essential in supporting this ambition.

“That is exactly why we’re hosting these events in Newcastle, Glasgow, Birmingham and Southampton.

“It not only gives us a chance to meet new contacts and engage with existing partners, but also presents them with the opportunity to speak firsthand with the relevant teams here at Lidl.

“We would therefore encourage anyone interested in attending to sign up.”